el hijo de la concerje parte 1 reflexion Hoy te quiero contar una historia fascinante hecho real que ocurrió hace mucho tiempo en un pequeño lugar del mundo .
Todo comenzó un día maravilloso de esos que ya no se ven , uno de esos en los cuales nos sentimos SEGUROS .
Carlos estaba terminando su carrera universitaria con un dinero que había cojido su madre prestado en un banco hipotecario .
El estaba estudiando administración de empresa y se sentía muy feliz por que sin importar de la pobreza que estaba pasando su madre el tenia la esperanza de muy pronto ponerla con todos sus lujos y detalles .
Ella vivía en una pequeña casa de madera o mejor dicho de tronco de palma que había cortado su esposo hace mucho tiempo antes de morir y hoy era el único lugar donde podría vivir .
Trabaja en un hospital no cómo enfermera sino como concerje de dicho hospital .
Carlos era un joven muy honesto y con muchos valores eso lo había aprendido de su padre antes de morir y de ayi en adelante de su madre que era la mujer la cual deposito toda su confianza y su sudor en su hijo .
Así como moisés mando a una ave a ver si había tierra cuando ellos se encontraban naufragando , como última esperanza .
Llego el día que tanto Carlos y su madre había esperado con tanto anhelo el día de su graduación había llegado ya Carlos dejaba de ser un simple Carlos a un licenciado o mejor dicho administrador de empresa .
En la fiesta un compañero de estudio le dice ” hoy viejo vamos a bebernos unas cuantas cervezas para vindar nuestro gran triunfo , además tu sabes más que nadie que debemos de acostumbrarnos desde ahora antes de ser contratado en alguna empresa ” Carlos le dijo que tenía que pensarlo ya que su madre le tenía un regalo que desde niño le había prometido para esa ocasión tan maravillosa que había llegado .
El amigo sigio insistiendo hasta que por fin lo convenció de ir a visitar un pequeño bar que estaba a unos cuantos kilometros de lugar .
La madre lo vio y se puso a llorar en vez de haber sido un día bueno se había convertido en un día triste ya que su hijo había salido y la había dejado con un maravilloso regalo que le tenía como solpresa de graduación.
Today I want to tell you a fascinating story made real that happened a long time ago in a small place in the world.
It all started a wonderful day of those that are no longer seen, one of those in which we feel SAFE.
Carlos was finishing his university career with money that his mother had borrowed from a mortgage bank.
He was studying business administration and was very happy because no matter how poor his mother was going, he hoped to put it in all its luxuries and details very soon.
She lived in a small wooden house or rather a palm trunk that her husband had cut long before he died and today was the only place where he could live.
She works in a hospital not as a nurse but as a caretaker of that hospital.
Carlos was a very honest young man and with many values that he had learned from his father before dying and from ayi onwards from his mother who was the woman who deposited all his trust and sweat in his son.
As well as Moses, he sent a bird to see if there was land when they were shipwrecked, as a last hope.
The day arrived that both Carlos and his mother had waited so eagerly on the day of his graduation had already arrived Carlos was no longer a simple Carlos to a licensed or better said company administrator.
At the party a fellow student says "today we are going to drink a few beers to bring our great victory, plus you know more than anyone that we must get used to now before being hired in any company" Carlos told him he had to think about it because his mother had a gift that he had promised him as a child for that wonderful occasion he had arrived.
The friend kept insisting until finally convinced him to go to visit a small bar that was a few kilometers away.
The mother saw him and started crying instead of having been a good day it had become a sad day since her son had left and left her with a wonderful gift that she had as a graduation card.
It all started a wonderful day of those that are no longer seen, one of those in which we feel SAFE.
Carlos was finishing his university career with money that his mother had borrowed from a mortgage bank.
He was studying business administration and was very happy because no matter how poor his mother was going, he hoped to put it in all its luxuries and details very soon.
She lived in a small wooden house or rather a palm trunk that her husband had cut long before he died and today was the only place where he could live.
She works in a hospital not as a nurse but as a caretaker of that hospital.
Carlos was a very honest young man and with many values that he had learned from his father before dying and from ayi onwards from his mother who was the woman who deposited all his trust and sweat in his son.
As well as Moses, he sent a bird to see if there was land when they were shipwrecked, as a last hope.
The day arrived that both Carlos and his mother had waited so eagerly on the day of his graduation had already arrived Carlos was no longer a simple Carlos to a licensed or better said company administrator.
At the party a fellow student says "today we are going to drink a few beers to bring our great victory, plus you know more than anyone that we must get used to now before being hired in any company" Carlos told him he had to think about it because his mother had a gift that he had promised him as a child for that wonderful occasion he had arrived.
The friend kept insisting until finally convinced him to go to visit a small bar that was a few kilometers away.
The mother saw him and started crying instead of having been a good day it had become a sad day since her son had left and left her with a wonderful gift that she had as a graduation card.