Hoy te quiero hablar de ” COMO CREAR UNA APLICACIÓN ” , ya sea por gusto o por que tienes un canal de YouTube y quieres tener ese servicio en tu canal ,
Es muy bueno tener una aplicación la cual desarrollar, pero el lenguaje es muy difícil de entenderlo; ya todo eso quedo atrás ahora todos podemos crear nuestra propia aplicación de una manera rápida y sencilla y algo que llama más tu atención es que ” no necesitas saber HTML , java ni ningún otro lenguaje ”
Ya con android creator 24 ya podemos hacerla a nuestro gusto pero sobre todo vamos a ” ganar dinero con nuestra app”
Gracias al sistema de admob podemos ganar dinero colocando anuncios en forma de banner , instencial y vídeo de bonificacion.
Banner : es el que saldrá en la parte de abajo de todo el contenido de la app.
Instencial : es el anuncio que sale en la pantalla completa de vez en cuando para ver si algunos de esos anuncios nos interesan.
Video de bonificacion : son videos los cuales debemos de ver para poder recibir alguna recompensa como en el caso de las gran mayorías de juego de todo tipo .
Seguro que te preguntarás cual gana más de todos los tipos de videos y es por eso que en el próximo post te dejare saber eso que quieres .
No olvides dejar tu comentario y eso para poder ayudarte en cualquier inquietud o alguna destreza que necesites ayuda
Today I want to talk about "HOW TO CREATE AN APPLICATION", either for pleasure or because you have a YouTube channel and want to have that service on your channel,
It is very good to have an application to develop, but the language is very difficult to understand; and all that is behind now we can all create our own application in a fast and simple way and something that catches your attention is that "you do not need to know HTML, java or any other language"
Now with android creator 24 we can do it to our liking but above all we will "make money with our app"
Thanks to the admob system we can make money by placing ads in the form of banner, unskilled and bonus video.
Banner: is the one that will appear at the bottom of all the content of the app.
Insider: is the ad that appears on the entire screen from time to time to see if some of those ads interest us.
Bonus video: they are videos which we must see in order to receive some reward as in the case of the great majority of game of all kinds.
Surely you wonder which wins more of all types of videos and that's why in the next post I'll let you know what you want.
Do not forget to leave your comment and that to be able to help you in any question or any skill that you need help
It is very good to have an application to develop, but the language is very difficult to understand; and all that is behind now we can all create our own application in a fast and simple way and something that catches your attention is that "you do not need to know HTML, java or any other language"
Now with android creator 24 we can do it to our liking but above all we will "make money with our app"
Thanks to the admob system we can make money by placing ads in the form of banner, unskilled and bonus video.
Banner: is the one that will appear at the bottom of all the content of the app.
Insider: is the ad that appears on the entire screen from time to time to see if some of those ads interest us.
Bonus video: they are videos which we must see in order to receive some reward as in the case of the great majority of game of all kinds.
Surely you wonder which wins more of all types of videos and that's why in the next post I'll let you know what you want.
Do not forget to leave your comment and that to be able to help you in any question or any skill that you need help